Setting up the Saverd Recipe Clipper in Firefox

Saverd Recipe Clipper for Firefox

The Saverd Recipe Saver is a quick and powerful way to save recipes you find on the web to your recipe box. Start by installing it in your favorite web browser.

Download the Firefox Extension here: Saverd Recipe Clipper

For iPhone instructions click here: Setting up the Recipe Saver on your iPhone

Instructions to setup the Recipe Saver
  • Step 1: Go to the Firefox Add on Store
  • Step 2: Add the Recipe Saver to your browser
  • Step 3: Pin it for easy access

Step 1: Access the browser extension/add-on in the Firefox Add-Ons Store

Step 2: Add the extension to your browser
  • Click the "Add to Firefox" button

You will be asked to confirm this action. Just click "Add".

Step 3: Pin the extension for easy access
  • The extension will be added to your browser and is ready to use
  • For ease of access we will pin it by clicking the puzzle icon
  • Then pin it by selecting "Pin to toolbar"

Once pinned the extension will be visible in your browser's toolbar on the right.

That's it. You're done!

When visiting recipe websites, if you see a recipe you'd like to save simply click the extension.

If you're not logged in you will be prompted to do so.

 Then hit the Save to Recipe Box Button to save the recipe and the recipe will be saved on Saverd.

Note: You may be logged out from time to time for security reasons. Simply sign back in to continue.

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