The difference between 'Feed', 'Recipe Box', 'My Recipes', and 'All Recipes'

The difference between 'Feed', 'Recipe Box', 'My Recipes', and 'All Recipes'

We created several different "views" for you to navigate your recipes so you can more easily see what you want to.


The feed is like a Twitter/X® feed. It contains recipes you create and save and the shared recipes of Saverd users that you are following whether you saved them or not. You can share with your own followers by setting your recipe visibility to "friends and followers". More info is here.

Recipe Box:

The Recipe Box is exactly what you would think. It contains all of the recipes you saved from people you are following, recipes that you clipped from the web while using the Saverd Recipe Clipper and recipes you entered yourself. This is your Recipe Box.

My Recipes:

These are recipes that you entered. It is a view of your own recipes only.


Public recipes are a running feed of publicly posted (recipe visibility = 'Everyone') recipes by non-private Saverd users. It is a great place to find something new.

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